Join us for our annual Summit at IslandWood on Bainbridge Island, Washington!
This year's theme is Ikigai (生き甲斐, lit. 'a reason for being') is a Japanese concept referring to something that gives a person a sense of purpose, a reason for living.
Ikigai is a Japanese word that can be interpreted as 'your reason for being.' The 1,000-year-old concept has been scientifically linked to longevity, creativity, productivity, and happiness. Contrary to popular misconception in western culture, Ikigai is not just a four-circle diagram depicting the intersection of “what you love,” “what the world needs,” “what you can be paid for,” and “what you are good at,” it is a more nuanced concept. Our speaker, Sam Ushio, Founder of Ikigai Labs describes Ikigai as a verb – as living with intention and in alignment with one’s values. Ikigai is an active and iterative process that evolves as we do. The Summit will explore this concept through discussion, workshop, and selected site visits and experiences.
This year's Summit will feature two speakers, Sam Ushio, Founder & Principal of Ikigai Labs, and Dr. Tim Lomas, author and Professor with Harvard University's Human Flouring Program.
Sam Ushio | Founder & Principal, Ikigai Labs

Sam Ushio is the Founder of Ikigai Lab, where he leads the social enterprise’s commitment to purpose activation, human sustainability, and economic impact. Sam fuses a powerful combination of 10,000+ hours of Ikigai experience and 20 years of global asset management experience to design purpose-driven ecosystems for individuals and organizations around the world.
Prior to founding Ikigai Lab, Sam was Director, Practice Management at Russell Investments where he led the award-winning team that coached approximately 1,000 financial advisors per year. He has an MBA from the Foster School of Business at the University of Washington, holds a Bachelor of Science from University of Nebraska in marketing and finance with an emphasis in psychology. Sam is a Council Leader of the US-Japan Council and serves on the advisory board of the Clifton Strengths Institute at the University of Nebraska.
To learn more about the “fun side” of Sam check out his alternate bio |
To learn more about Ikigai Labs |
Dr. Tim Lomas | Author and Professor with Harvard University’s Human Flourishing Program
Tim Lomas is a Psychology Research Scientist in the Department of Epidemiology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and part of the Human Flourishing Program at Harvard University. Dr Lomas’ main research focus is exploring cross-cultural perspectives on wellbeing, especially concepts and practices deemed ‘non-Western.’ Current projects include: assisting with the Global Flourishing Study, a longitudinal study of 240,000 people in 22 countries; helping lead the Global Wellbeing Initiative, a collaboration with Gallup to develop and analyse new items for their World Poll that reflect non-Western views of wellbeing; creating a lexicography and conceptual map of ‘untranslatable’ words relating to wellbeing; and a project funded by the Templeton Foundation to look into Muslim perspectives on wellbeing.
After completing his undergraduate degree in psychology at the University of Edinburgh in 2002, Tim spent several years working as a musician and a psychiatric nursing assistant. Between 2008 and 2012 Tim undertook his PhD at the University of Westminster, where his thesis focused on the impact of meditation on men's mental health (combining cognitive neuroscience, narrative, and ethnographic analysis). From 2013 to 2020 Tim was a lecturer in positive psychology at the University of East London, where he helped to run their MSc in Applied Positive Psychology (later also combined with Coaching Psychology). Since 2013, Tim has published over 80 papers and 11 books relating to wellbeing, involving topics/approaches including linguistics, semiotics, art, emotional dialectics, balance/harmony, systems theory, social theory, politics, gender, and Buddhism. His work has been featured in publications including TIME, The New Yorker, and Scientific American. His latest book, entitled Happiness, will be published in 2022 by MIT Press as part of their Essential Knowledge series.
Check out Tim’s TED Talk Here:
Registration for pre-conference options will be communicated within the next week ~ stay tuned!
Cancellations received more than 30 days out are refunded minus a $100 administrative fee. Cancellations received less than 30 days are non-refundable.
Member Company Attendance:
1. Attendees representing member companies must meet criteria set by the Board.
2. Individuals from member organizations may participate in ETDA core activities only if they are owners, principles or senior full-time employees of member organizations.
ETDA Summit Guest Attendance Expectations
Summits are ETDA’s primary experience that bring in new member companies. As such, the Board requests that member companies think first and foremost about inviting guests who meet the criteria for membership and who are interested in having their organization become a member.
- Members who invite guests must show the Fit Assessment and the DeEP Document to their prospective guest so they are familiar with ETDA’s mindset and what membership fit looks like. This makes the process of becoming a member after the Summit much easier and clearer. Summit Committee members are responsible for ensuring that the sponsoring member individual has had a conversation about the Fit Assessment with any prospective Summit guests. (Both documents are available on the ETDA website).
- Guests pay a $200 additional fee to attend the Summit. If a sponsoring member’s guest is a fit for joining, the sponsoring member is the first point of encouragement for the guest to become a member. If the guest initiates the membership process within 30 days of the Summit, this $200 is applied toward their company’s membership fee.
If a member individual wants to invite a guest who isn’t a candidate for membership, our ETDA Community asks that you consider thoroughly:
- Do they engage in work that is similar to ETDA members?
- Are they a consultant or coach who can contribute to our/their personal and professional growth during the Summit?
- Will they engage in business owner-level dialogue?
- Guests may only attend once as a Summit guest.
Payment Options
Payments can be made directly through Wild Apricot or offline either by Zelle or a check. Paying offline benefits the company by cutting down on CC fees. Please use as a Zelle username and mail checks to Alex Martinez, 339 Frenchville Rd, Fort Kent, ME, 04743.
Cancellations received more than 30 days out are refunded minus a $100 administrative fee. Cancellations received less than 30 days are non-refundable.